Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Values of Free Expression

Of the Eight Values of Free Expression, I chose to discuss number seven, "Promote Innovation." I feel this value is important because it describes the overall values and rights of the United States as a whole. This country thrives off of the freedom we are given, therefore our people are encouraged to innovate and create the unimaginable. Without the freedom to speak or create whatever they choose, people are less likely to innovate or express themselves in unique ways. Free expression gives us the power to "fulfill" our needs and desires in ways that people that live under limits can not. The whole purpose of creating the United States of America was to give the people a right to speak, innovate, and make their own decisions. Promoting innovation is such an important value in our society and has resulted in not only a better life, but also life-changing technologies and ideas that have continued to modernize the world.


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