Friday, November 15, 2019

My Online Presence

When I google my name, a few photos, articles and websites pop up. These articles and photos are mostly lacrosse related, stemming from HPU's athletics website. My lacrosse roster information comes up first, then following are articles that mention my name, then photos of me playing. After that I found my LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, as well as articles and roster information from high school sports teams. The social media accounts that I use most often don't initially appear in my Google search, however if I added the key word 'Instagram' to the search I'm sure I could access it. My social media accounts are all private, however the content I post on them is very respectable and responsible. This is for career and lacrosse purposes. Our coach does not allow us to post any type of inappropriate content, in the best interest of our team and our personal futures. If someone were to look at my Facebook, they would see nothing more than pictures my friends tag of me, all of which I monitor to make sure they are clean. The same goes for my LinkedIn and Instagram profiles, except I post occasionally with others or to update my personal and work experience. My email could be found on my LinkedIn, but no other personal information is visible from my social media accounts. I believe that social media can make people lonely or depressed if taken too seriously. Revealing too much personal information online can be dangerous and could get people into trouble. The most important thing I learned from Googling myself is that I should continue to keep a low profile online, especially regarding my personal life.

kaely kyle

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Diffusion of Innovations: Netflix

In 1997, Netflix was founded by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings. The late 90s - early 2000s was the exploratory phase for Netflix because it was intended to be a DVD rental service, similar to Blockbuster, but the catch was that it was online. The idea of ordering a DVD online and having it delivered to you in the mail was a new and innovative concept for the late 90s/early 2000s. The early adaptors and early majority would rent these DVDs for $2 - $4 and keep them for as long as they please, however the old DVD must be returned before renting a new one. I would say the tipping point for Netflix would be in 2010 when they created their online streaming service. This changed the game of movie/TV show streaming forever. This tipping point would quickly cause DVD rental stores to go out of business. I would say Netflix caught on so quickly because people in this current society want immediate results and convenience. The previous online ordering of movies and no return date was definitely a convenient factor in the uprising of this company. Now with the easy, accessible online steaming service Netflix provides today, there is nothing but convenience and quick results. The only downside I could see Netflix having would be the selection of shows and movies they provide. Netflix may have been the first to adapt this idea of online streaming, but now that they have competition, are do they have the best quality selection? That is up for the viewer to decide.

Values of Free Expression

Of the Eight Values of Free Expression, I chose to discuss number seven, "Promote Innovation." I feel this value is important because it describes the overall values and rights of the United States as a whole. This country thrives off of the freedom we are given, therefore our people are encouraged to innovate and create the unimaginable. Without the freedom to speak or create whatever they choose, people are less likely to innovate or express themselves in unique ways. Free expression gives us the power to "fulfill" our needs and desires in ways that people that live under limits can not. The whole purpose of creating the United States of America was to give the people a right to speak, innovate, and make their own decisions. Promoting innovation is such an important value in our society and has resulted in not only a better life, but also life-changing technologies and ideas that have continued to modernize the world.