Sunday, September 8, 2019

History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

After watching videos on the Supreme Court justice system, I have come to realize that they hold the highest power, not just because of the character of those selected to be a part of it, but because they make every decision revolved around the original foundation of this country, which is the Constitution. I find it amazing how even 200 years later, our Supreme Court can still use the Constitution as a stable law system that remains relevant to our society today. Although there are apparent differences between society back in 1789 and 2019, some issues have continued to create a country divided throughout all these years, such as immigration laws. I found this quote from the video to be especially intriguing: "If the court ever stopped defending the constitution, or the people ever stopped listening, then one of the treasures that keep this the freest nation in the world cease to exist." This to me sums up the entire baseline of American culture. If our Supreme Court didn't strictly follow the guidelines given to this country 200 years ago, or the people refused to respect and accept the judgments of these Justices, the United States would not remain the "land of the free." This unique law system we have in the U.S. is what defines our nation and sets us apart from the rest of the world.

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