Thursday, August 29, 2019

Woman Arrested Due to "F*** Trump" Sticker on Car

In Houston, Texas, a woman named Kate Fonseca claimed she had been arrested by the Fort Bend County Sheriff due to her vehicle displaying a "F*** Trump" sticker. Although Kate had actually been arrested on an outstanding fraud warrant, stated that Sheriff Troy Nehls "almost brought her up on charges of disorderly conduct for the large decal on the window of her pickup truck." Kate and her husband told reporters that they are convinced she was arrested due to the sticker on her car, based on the Sheriffs political leanings. The judge ruled that although the sticker was offensive, it does not "constitute a crime." This case could be considered for violating Mrs. Fonseca's First Amendment rights, because this inappropriate decal could be considered her freedom of speech. This news article stood out to me because I agree that this was a form of Mrs. Fonseca's freedom of speech, however I don't think it is an appropriate use of our First Amendment rights. There are different ways to express our opinions and political standings without using offensive language. In my opinion, spreading hatred is not the correct way to abuse the freedom of speech policies, as well as get your message across effectively.

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