Monday, September 30, 2019

Greta Thunberg

I found an article on discussing the Greta Thunberg's obsession with climate change, and how it relates back to her diagnosis of depression, autism, OCD, and an eating disorder. As most of us know, Greta has gone viral on the internet and social media for her aggressive efforts to spread awareness on climate change and shame the government for not doing enough to make a difference. Her young age and well-spoken speeches have caught the attention of millions,  bringing both good and bad publicity upon herself. The article points out that although her arguments are valid, it is unsettling to watch her parents allow this climate issue to torment a teenager with social issues in to a frantic state. It states, "It’s perhaps the greatest tragedy in world history. But at this stage, I don’t see how we avoid it. Anyway, I think it’s a fair point to say that if I accept that this catastrophe is happening — and I do — that it’s not terribly logical to get my back up so high over a too-emphatic teenager’s freakout." I'm going to have to agree with the the author of this article because yes, climate change is a scary discussion that does need to be addressed, however it is a bit unsettling to watch this young girl be so involved with big 'real-world' issues. Some would call her inspiring, and others would wish for nothing more than a normal happy childhood for Greta. However I must say, her public speaking and writing skills are impressive.

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