Monday, December 9, 2019


The topic of privacy when it comes to the internet is quite the controversy. After watching the TED Talk videos about internet privacy, I've realized the serious issue online privacy is and the consequences we as a society may face. Not only do companies and the government have basically full access to every detail of your life, but they could use it against you. One of the videos talked about how even a google search could affect how you are judged in court for whatever that reason may be. Another TED Talk discussed how your online presence is as permanent as a tattoo. Once you put something online, they say it never disappears. This is dangerous for not only my generation, but especially for the future generations of children who grow up using the internet. There is a fine line between being cautious of what you personally put online, and having our entire lives hacked by the government for selfish and unnecessary reasons. There should be a change in laws regarding privacy that impact the way we feel safe as an internet user. There needs to be laws prohibiting the excessive information the government gathers about us through our personal internet usage.

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